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A respected and long-established regional QLD leader providing volume scaffolding structures and safe work platforms for construction, civil, commercial, residential, restorations and events, offering consistently impressive ROI and growth.
As a primary scaffolding services provider in the North Queensland Region, this business has a full order book, serving established long-term and new clients and supplying other scaffolding businesses in the area with equipment.
The business is operated under management with minimal input from the owners. Work is coordinated by a head of admin handling the back office and a general manager who oversees jobs and provides quotes for new work to customers.
Ideally located, the business operates from a substantial central modern yard and office premises with extensive storage and a hard vehicle stand, allowing easy pick up and drop off of equipment throughout the working week. As a standalone acquisition, this business is very attractive in itself! It would also make an ideal addition for another regional or interstate player looking to secure a strong presence in this increasingly dynamic region.
* Established experts in their field the business is offered to the market due to retirement
* Experienced & very capable management team in place
* Well-considered facility with plenty of storage and excellent office space
* Outstanding team of highly skilled, fully ticketed staff
* Extensive P&E, including approx. 1250T of excellent condition Quikstage Scaffold.
Key Financial Information:
Revenue – 3-year average : $ 3,132,000
PEBITDA – 3-year average: $ 1,200,000
Asking Price: $3,500,000 plus WIP
Business Broker: Marc Janssen
Our Reference: SC00515
To learn more about this unique opportunity and receive the Information Memorandum, please complete a quick online confidentiality agreement by clicking the navy ENQUIRE NOW button on LINK's website.
Keywords: Scaffolding, construction, Queensland, building services, builder, development, safe work, QBCC, North Queensland, Far North Queensland, mining
Ref: SC00515
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.
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