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As an owner, you know that every major business decision demands careful thought and preparation. And what bigger decision is there then choosing to sell? For over 25 years our experienced brokers have helped owners sell their businesses better with proven processes and complete confidentiality.
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Are you ready to step into the realm of an excellent business and make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals in need?
Revenue: $4,750,614 F.Y. 2023
Profit: $1,330,077 F.Y. 2023
Main Services:
– Support Coordination
– Accommodation
– Behavioural Support (Including Allied Health)
– Community and Core Supports
– Group Participation
Key Strengths:
– Potential for Growth: Being an approved NDIS provider means you can provide services all around Australia
– Diverse Revenue Streams: This NDIS business is approved to provide several services which means you can capitalise on several streams of revenue
– Positive Cash Flow: Invoices via the NDIS portal are paid very quickly making this a positive cash flow business
– Existing Client Base: As there are already clients using the services, this means you will generating revenue immediately and the new owner can focus on retention and growth rather than starting from zero.
Your pursuit of entrepreneurship and impact starts here.
This NDIS business presents a unique chance to blend financial prosperity with a meaningful purpose. Enquire now!
Broker: Mark Jason
Phone: +61 405 555 480
BDM: Zain Khan
M: +61 2 9899 1999 / 0404 490 444
To find out more, press the “Enquire Now” button to complete an online confidentiality agreement.
Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.
Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis. Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.
Ref: NSW11011
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.
Buying a business is an exciting time and will prove to be one the most impactful decisions you will make in your lifetime. We’re here to help you on your journey.
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