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* * * * * P R I C E S L A S H E D FOR A QUICK SALE * * * * *
If you are wanting to get into the Gold Coast glitter strip, then this is the business for you!
* Newly renovated and recently started trading just on Christmas 2022.
* A sudden Sickness forces the owner to sell after improving the customer base and trade.
* 2 bars with huge dance floor and elevated private booths. Venue has a capacity of over 800 people.
* Fully staffed – owner only handles the admin.
* Currently trading only 2 nights per week.
* There is a long lease with a reasonable rent.
Due to serious illness, owner needs to sell ASAP.
All offers will be submitted for consideration.
This club will be sold to the best offer presented with minimal conditions
Avoid disappointment and book and inspection now!
Asking Price reduced for quick sale: $450,000 ONO + SAV (or nearest offer plus Stock-at-value)
For full details contact Baz Sanjakdar
REF: GC00910
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.
Buying a business is an exciting time and will prove to be one the most impactful decisions you will make in your lifetime. We’re here to help you on your journey.
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