Sell with LINK
As an owner, you know that every major business decision demands careful thought and preparation. And what bigger decision is there then choosing to sell? For over 25 years our experienced brokers have helped owners sell their businesses better with proven processes and complete confidentiality.
Buy with LINK
Buying a business is an exciting time and will prove to be one the most impactful decisions you will make in your lifetime. Register for business for sale alerts so you never miss an opportunity, and let us guide you through the process.
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David has successfully owned and managed a restaurant over 4 years, growing the business with his excellent service and attractive personality.
His hard-working ethics and good judgment of market, coupled with his rich hospitality industry experience, ability to listen to his clients and superior negotiation skills makes his the ideal business broker and also ensure that the best possible result is achieved in the shortest possible time for his clients.
Fluent both in English and Mandarin and a renowned expert in marketing, David launched his business broking career to highlight and extend his expertise, and is strongly skilled in qualifying buyers and matching them with their perfect business. He looks forward to assisting you with your next business transaction.
David, 秉承着“言必行,行必果”的信条,他让很多来自中国的客户受益匪浅。
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