Sell with LINK
As an owner, you know that every major business decision demands careful thought and preparation. And what bigger decision is there then choosing to sell? For over 25 years our experienced brokers have helped owners sell their businesses better with proven processes and complete confidentiality.
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Buying a business is an exciting time and will prove to be one the most impactful decisions you will make in your lifetime. Register for business for sale alerts so you never miss an opportunity, and let us guide you through the process.
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Raquel Calabrese is a dynamic entrepreneur whose journey began at the young age of 21 when she founded her first business-a bustling salon in Melbourne.
Over the course of 16 years, Raquel grew her salon into a thriving enterprise, mastering staff management, accountability, and implementing robust procedures and policies to ensure operational excellence.
With a team of 8 dedicated professionals, Raquel successfully ran the salon before strategically selling it, marking a significant milestone in her career. Eager for a new challenge, she embarked on a joint venture to establish a recreational park for bike riders in rural Victoria.
She was involved with a business partner and together oversaw every aspect from inception to execution, transforming the vision into a beloved haven equipped with all necessary business infrastructure. The business then successfully sold within 3 years of its creation.
Undeterred by the fast pace of entrepreneurship, she ventured into Queensland, acquiring and managing an owner-operated beauty clinic. Through her management skills and implementing systems, the clinic operated seamlessly under her supervision before ultimately being acquired by an investor.
Raquel's entrepreneurial path spans over 25 years, marked by invaluable experiences in business startup, management, forecasting, staffing recruitment, basic marketing and accounting.
Today, Raquel channels her passion and expertise as a dedicated business broker, helping clients fulfill their dreams of acquiring or successfully exiting businesses. Her journey exemplifies resilience, strategic foresight, and an unwavering commitment to business excellence.
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