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Vendor is happy to restructure the lease w/ a shorter term AND wil pay $50K at settlement for you to use a recruitment agent, offset your 1st yrs rent or however you wish!
Clinic is open bus hrs Mon to Fri so plenty of opportunity to significantly grow this business! This family clinic is currently offering:
Est a yr ago in Aug '23, the vendors, like every other practice owner in Australia, can't get Drs. It is a solo GP practice currently w/ the dr undertaking 2x sessions/wk only (0.2 FTE GP). They had another GP but due to the DPA restrictions, the 2nd Dr left in Jan 2024. It was a greenfield site so there were no remaining drs to rely on… it used to be Calvary hospital, but it's now relocated across the road. The practice is close to a private school & has a University nearby, so there are loads of pedestrians walking past daily!
Why consider?
Pls could you let me know if you want to chat online with the vendor or to schedule a site visit at a mutually convenient time?
Sally Stuart:
Ref: NSW11333
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.
Buying a business is an exciting time and will prove to be one the most impactful decisions you will make in your lifetime. We’re here to help you on your journey.
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