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Located near one of the most popular areas in Southeast Queensland, this award-winning day spa is a tropical destination that has won numerous awards for being an environmentally friendly wellness retreat. Here, tradition meets luxury, and guests experience exotic treatments designed to heal their body, mind, and spirit.
Presenting a unique chance for an incoming owner, minimal effort is needed thanks to a team of exceptionally skilled staff and well-established systems in operation.
This wellness day spa stands out from the crowd and is now open for an astute investor to elevate it to new heights!
Business Highlights:
* Award-winning destination day spa
* Published in magazines
* Environmentally and eco-friendly establishment
* Unique blend of luxury and non-mainstream treatments
* Wide range of services and popular products sold on-site
* Multiple treatment rooms
* Open 6 days/week
* Stock included in the asking price
Key Financial Information:
Asking Price: $1,800,000 + Freehold $4,000,000
Approx. Stock Value: Stock included
Business Broker: Wim Janssen
To learn more about this unique opportunity and receive the Information Memorandum, please complete a quick online confidentiality agreement by clicking the navy ENQUIRE NOW button on LINK's website.
Keywords: SEQ, Spa, Retreat, Massage, Treatment, Tropical, Exotic, Luxury, Wellness, Profitable, Growth
Ref: SC00520
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.
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